In the counseling world, we encounter people with various life complexities who are searching to make sense of the struggles they face. As a counselor who works day after day with various people, it can be easy to have a jaded view of the world. Day in and day out, I meet people who have been hurt by others or have done some hurting of their own. However, I have to remind myself that this is a small portion of the population and not the majority. Recently, I had an encouraging experience that has reminded me of just that.
Last month, my mom who is 80 years old, expressed wanting to travel to Portland, Oregon to go and visit my sister and be able to attend my niece’s 8th grade graduation. My mom has not been on an airplane in 9 years. We have been hesitant about her traveling because in 2018 she had a double lung transplant and now takes a significant amount of anti-rejection medication that puts her at a high health risk. She also struggles with anxiety when it comes to being away from her home and her medical providers. I took every precaution when booking her ticket to be sure I had marked the maximum amount of assistance as she would be changing planes and navigating airports she had never been to.
The day came to take her to the airport. It was in the early morning hours as she would be changing time zones and most flights left before 6:30 am. I dropped her off at the Sky Cap and went to park the car so that I could assist her to the gate. When I came up the escalator from the parking garage, I found her standing outside the ticket counter with a look of sheer panic.
“You booked me to go to Portland, Maine and not Portland, Oregon!”
My heart sank into my stomach.
I retraced my steps of booking her flight and realized that I had not verified the correct city, let alone the correct side of the country! I was trying to take on all the fear and panic in that moment so that my mom did not have to feel any of it.
At this very same moment there was a wonderful woman with a warm smile that assured me this happens all the time. She had a nametag that read, Suzanne, and she busily started hitting buttons on her computer. Within two minutes she had my mom totally rebooked and ready to board on a plane in the next forty minutes.
Before I could even turn around there was a gentleman there waiting and he told me that the wheelchair that I had found in the parking garage would not be approved to get through security and he had just gone ahead and gotten me one that was. As we made our way through airport security, I could sense that mom was growing anxious about making it to the gate on time to board the plane.
As I nervously tried to read the kiosk to find out which way to go, another stranger from the same airline approached me and asked to see my ticket and then told me he was headed that way and guided me to which hallway to take. We raced to the very end of the airport just as they were calling for passengers that needed extra assistance.
There was a young gentleman named Zach that was providing comic relief as he went over the basic boarding procedures while we stood in line. Instead of the same old spiel that we have all heard before, he was shaking things up a bit and using catchy song lyrics from the 80’s to lighten the moment. Afterward, he approached us and asked if it would be helpful if I walked mom to the plane and had a chance to explain any medical concerns. After my mom had safely boarded the plane, Zach taught me about an app to download that will track the flight's progress as well as send me a text message when she had made her connecting flight. I was absolutely astounded by the efforts of these strangers to help my mom and me in just a short amount of time.
Because of the people in this story, my mom was able to arrive in Portland (OREGON!) just in time as my niece came walking out of her school for the last time. Because of the kindness of strangers, a moment in time will forever be treasured by a young girl and her grandmother.
I often give attention to the evil and hurt in the world because it shocks me that it could be true. No matter what, there will always be that sense of disbelief that people could do such horrible things. I see too many people losing touch of hope. Jesus did not promise us a world free of pain and suffering, but he told us to set hope as our anchor. An anchor is something that holds a ship steady in the storm as it rolls with the waves.
There will be waves but do you allow hope to hold you steady and do you instill that hope in others?
I began thinking about these people and the way they had gone above and beyond to provide hope in what could have been an F5 hurricane. They shared their anchor with my mom and me. That allowed us to see through the rolling waves and gave direction.
So, when you think about your own life or your own job, how can you share your anchor with others? What are the ways that you can use hope to help a fellow Christian see through the waves of life? Hope is very much alive and with the slightest of efforts, you could majorly impact the life of another human being. In counseling, we talk a great deal about the things that we can control and the things we can’t. The beautiful truth of hope is that it can be found in any situation. It just comes down to how much power of thought we want to give to the negative outcome versus the hopeful one.
I am not saying to be naïve or that things will always turn out the way we wish. I am saying that we can share hope with others who need the strength to believe and make a hopeful outcome possible. God provides us with countless opportunities daily, it is just a matter of whether we are taking the time to see them.
Both Suzanne and Zach could have given me a customer service number to call to get my mom rescheduled or refunded. They could have told me I was not a paying customer and I needed to stay back at the airport security gate. But on that rainy Thursday morning they saw a chance to do better, to give hope, and they took that opportunity. Are you ready to do the same when God gives you your next chance?

JULY 25, 2023
Jingle all the way to our EPIC Christmas In July Raffle!
This will be the HOTTEST event of the summer with the COOLEST prizes you won't believe! Tickets are on sale until July 25th or SELLOUT.
LIVE Facebook drawing will be held on Tuesday, July 25th!
Grab your tickets and unlock 15 amazing chances to win!
Spread Christmas cheer in July and join us for a merry time like no other!
Thank you to Andrew Weiss, Phillip Tanner, Jill Getman, Tim Blanchard, Allison Reimer, Hilary Tichota, John & Vicki Hefner, Jeff & Shannon Britton, Lisa Larson, Rick & Jan Britton, Libby Morrow, Denise Hamblin, Mandi Pollard, Duane & Lisa Smith, Jacob Schweizer, Andre & Rose Fantasma, and Lisa Wilson for your Raffle purchases! Good luck on the 25th!

Presented by Con Carpet Tile + Design
Thursday, September 21, 2023 @ 7:30am
Adams Pointe Golf Club, 1601 RD Mize Rd, Blue Springs, MO
Attention everyone! Don't miss out on this exciting event. Our team registrations are rapidly filling up, so make sure to secure your spot before it's too late. We are thrilled to inform you that we currently have exceptional Sponsorship opportunities up for grabs. By participating, you'll have the chance to showcase your business name and logo on a personalized swag item! Gather your teams, take advantage of this incredible opportunity, and reserve the date on your calendar. Remember, all proceeds from this golf event will contribute towards providing affordable counseling services to families in our community. As an added bonus, prepare yourself for a delectable lunch catered by Zarda and a remarkable swag bag to take home!
Team Registration – 4 Person ($700)
Individual Team Registration ($175): Playing on a team but paying fees individually.
Individual Player Registration ($200): Individual golfer, not yet on a team. Will be placed on a team prior to event.
Presenting Sponsor ($15,000): Prominent logo placement on all event materials, welcome banner, and stand-alone sponsor banner; name included as presenter on all written materials; logo placed on gift bag; private speaking engagement with Dr. Jon Thompson; 2 foursomes included.
Platinum Sponsor ($10,000): Prominent logo placement on all event materials & signage; exclusive logoed golfer gift item; 2 foursomes included.
Gold Sponsor ($5,000): Exclusive logoed golfer gift item; prominent signage at event & logo on website; 1 foursome included.
Silver Sponsor ($3,000): Logo placed on souvenir gift bag; logo on sponsor banner & website; 1 foursome included.
Cart Sponsor ($1,000): Logo included on both beverage carts (2), cart corral area, and on sponsor banner.
Premium Hole Sponsor ($250): Sign with logo at designated hole; option to handout giveaways at hole; ability to include promotional item in gift bag.
To contact our Director of Development, Naomi Thompson, call: 816.272.0653 or email: naomi@peacecounseling.org.

You have been instrumental in accomplishing our mission in the community. Thank you to each Partner who supports us through giving, praying, and volunteering. We are able to reach families because of the generosity of each of you. THANK YOU!
Thank you to each of you who continue to respond to our Spring Letter – Patrick Curtis and John & Kelly Whitwood – your gifts and heart for the underserved serve as fuel for our ministry. We appreciate you!
Thank you, Children’s Services Fund of Jackson County for your grant contribution. With your support, our students successfully finished out the school year and summer school. We’re so grateful for your support.
We were blessed to be chosen by Heartland Bowhunter and Heartland Waterfowl to be one of the recipients of their golf charity and season premiere fundraisers. Because of their generosity and a match from Midwest Land Group nearly $40,000 was raised to provide growth for our Independence In-School Program.
Thank you to Steve Kostbade and Mary Luchtel for your donations through the Heartland Premiere’s live auction. Your contributions will allow Independence students to receive the help they need.
Since we launched our Independence In-School Program Match we have been so grateful for the generosity of each of you who are investing in these students with us. Summit Springs Church, thank you for joining us with your new monthly donation. Your gift is a catalyst to change lives!
Thank you to our 7th Annual Golf Classic Silver Sponsors – Wise Wealth and Mizkan America. We are so grateful to have you sponsor each year to enable the families in the community to seek help.
We are happy to have Brandon Blanchard, Summit Springs Church and Tony Pizzutelli join us for our 7th Annual Golf Classic. Thank you for your golf team registration.
To all of our faithful monthly and recurring supporters — THANK YOU from our Peace Partnership team! – Stone AMP SEO, Jeff & Lacey Cherry, Zane & Melissa Morerod, Mark McDonald, Jondy & Heather Britton, Matt & Kristy Newton, Clayton & Pam Wooldridge, Mark & Cathy McGaughey, Greg & Jennifer Spears, Roger & Jennifer Madsen, Brent & Amanda Miller, Mike & Jan McGraw, Midwest Accident Reconstruction Services, Stan & Deb Oglesby, Willie & Adia Valdes, Linda Hartman, Dave & Rosie Bourland, Rudy & Stacy Blahnik, Mike & Tracy Pruitt, Sandra King, Diane Smith, Dan & Gigi Rippee, Andre & Rose Fantasma, Kevin Quinn, Scott & Lydia Hurley, Jon & Naomi Thompson, John & Keshia Otradovec, Tamara Stroud, Rick & Kathy Daulton, Church at Coffee Creek, John & Vicki Hefner, Cory & Leslie Young, Jenny Glasgow, Teddy Koehler, Brandon & Vanessa Blanchard, and Rick & Jan Britton.
We appreciate each and every one of you!
Are there ways that you see yourself getting involved? Contact our Director of Development, Naomi Thompson, at: 816.272.0653 or naomi@peacecounseling.org to find out how you can join our team of Partners. To make a donation through our website, please click on the link below.

In May, we notified you of our desire to expand our Independence In-School Program. A very generous Partner immediately agreed to match each donation toward growth in this program and with your help we have raised almost $50,000. We are overwhelmed at your response to expanding this program and are ready to add a new Independence school this fall!

Have you or someone you know been helped by Peace Partnership or Genesis Counseling? If so, would you please consider paying it forward to help another find healing along their journey? We are asking anyone who is not currently partnering with us financially to consider donating $100/year for the next 3 years to help make a difference in someone else’s life. Collectively, we can help SO MANY PEOPLE! Please consider a gift today. Call the office for help getting your gift set up or choose a recurring donation on our website here. We are so grateful for your help changing lives!