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Move On It

Writer's picture: Rebecca Dye, MSRebecca Dye, MS

Have you ever had an idea of something you could do with your life - make a move, end a relationship, start a business - and you “slept” on it?

Ever wondered what it would have been like to pursue your dream or have taken that chance?

When people talk about their lives, have you noticed the difference between how they talk about the things that they didn’t do versus the things that they did? It’s true that many people find themselves in a state of regret when they think back on their life and decisions. Would that it were not so!

So I am from Colorado originally - mountain girl born and bred. Life (and God) took me to Arkansas for school where I met my husband and got married. Once I completed grad school, business connections brought us to Kansas City.

Over nearly a decade in KC, we have built community, a family, and a home.

With the birth of our newest addition, Gideon, I started feeling the increased urge to be closer to family. Both my husband and I have dreamt about moving to Colorado, raising our kids on hiking, camping, and snowboarding and surrounded by family. Just like you, we had a myriad of excuses: "It's just not the right time", “Maybe when... the kids are older, the housing market is better, or inflation goes down”“Maybe if... I get the dream job, can become a stay at home mom, or win the lottery”.

And time slips by.

Until a door opens. For me, it was an opportunity to purchase and move into my parents' house and my childhood home.

My husband and I fasted and prayed about the possibility of moving. We wanted our next move to be a move we made because we were feeling God lead us and not just driven by our emotions.

During this time, I was talking with a co-worker and explained the situation and she looked straight at me and said “it seems like there is no reason to not do that”.

Bam. For me, that was one of the pieces of confirmation that I needed to move forward. This was also confirmed in my husband and we made the decision to move to Colorado.

As I think about that decision, it makes me excited and sad. In order to move onto the next season and to “pick up” what God has for us, we must “put down” what we are currently holding. Sometimes the good can be the very thing that holds us back from the best.

In another example, I had an experience with a client who was involved in a relationship she could clearly identify as unhealthy. By that, I mean that it went against her values and morals and she was becoming a person that took her further away from the person she knew she was supposed to be.

But she lingered. Week after week she would talk about the destructive things going on in her relationship, coming to the same conclusion each time that this was not something she wanted.

Yet she stayed.

Until one day. She had yet again expressed knowledge that she should not be in this relationship and I asked her to pull out her phone.

She looked at me. I looked back at her. She asked, “You mean now?” and I said, “Yes, right now”.

We then crafted a message to her significant other breaking up with him (in a kind and clear way, of course). I then asked her to hit send.

She hesitated.

I asked what was keeping her from doing what she knew she needed to do. She said, “Well, I don’t really know”. We once again went through the facts of why she would come to this conclusion (which she did effortlessly). She took a deep breath and hit send.

Instant relief followed. She did what she needed to do and she felt so good about it.

Success principles are clear. It is not in the talking, but in the doing (action) that confidence is built. This is also where both joy and pain live. It is precisely this pain that keeps many people from doing what they know they need to do. So in a sense, they avoid that pain, but they instead choose suffering - the purgatory of knowing what to do and not doing it.

Here is the thing, pain is inevitable, but the kind of pain is up to you. Pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Pain of change or the pain of what-ifs. You get to choose your hard.

Most of us would rather not fail. Yet, it is in the failing that we learn and grow.

Even the way Peace Partnership was founded was because of the vision of one person shared with a friend and mentor who said “Let’s do that". And through a lot of hard work, the dream became a reality which has now impacted so many different lives.

Here is the thing, you have unique gifts and abilities. We need people to do uniquely what you can do. You don’t have to be or do what the next person is doing. It’s ok to stay in your lane. Just like the Bible says, as Christians we are all of one body but not everyone's the same body part!

We are not all the same - nor should we be! The passions, desires, and promptings in you are there for a reason for you to steward and DO something with. So when you have that urge to do something only you can do, you should DO it.

As I was weighing the opportunity for making this big change in my and my family’s life, I asked myself the following question, which I now ask of you:

What will you regret more - moving and potentially making a “mistake”, or not moving at all?

For me, the answer was clear. If we didn’t move on this open door (pun intended), then I know I would always regret what could have/should have/would have been.

So prayerfully make the move. End the relationship. Start the business. Do the next right thing. Move on it.


🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♀️ Get ready for our 8th Annual Golf Classic, September 26! 🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♀️ 

Presented by

📅 Date: Thursday, September 26

📍 Location: Adams Pointe Golf Club, Blue Springs, MO 

⏰ Tee-off Time: 8:30 AM

Don’t miss the chance to join us for a day packed with camaraderie, competition, and community support. Teams are filling up, so register and sign up for sponsorships now. Our tournament is a fantastic opportunity for businesses and golf enthusiasts alike.

Sponsorship levels include the opportunity to promote your business to our golfers and volunteers. We have some amazing giveaways to add your business logo to. Your participation directly supports our nonprofit counseling office and provides free counseling to students in local public schools. Contact Naomi today to help sponsor this outstanding event.

Help us spread the word! Tell your friends, fellow business owners, and colleagues about our work in the community. Your help is invaluable to make this our biggest fundraiser of the year.

Secure your spot today and be part of this incredible event! Register now or reach out to Naomi at 816.272.0653 or for sponsorship inquiries.


Join the Fun: Volunteer for Our Golf Tournament!

We're gearing up for an exciting golf tournament on Thursday, September 26th and we need your help! Volunteers are essential to making this event a success. A huge thank you to our fantastic volunteer team and those who have already signed up to help. Whether you’re a golf enthusiast or just looking to support a great cause, we have a spot for you.

Contact Naomi today and be part of the action! - or 816.272.0653.


In this busy summer season, we are grateful for your unwavering commitment to providing counseling services for financially disadvantaged children and families. Your generosity not only brings hope and healing but also strengthens our community, ensuring that every individual, regardless of circumstance, has access to crucial mental health resources. Thank you for standing with us in this vital mission. With deep gratitude, we recognize our June partners:

  • Thank you so much for becoming new monthly donors, Aaron Linn and Phil & Jo Rydman! Your support means the world to us and will make a significant impact in counseling children and families, helping to create brighter futures for those who need it most.

  • Our hearts overflow with gratitude to all who have given in response to our spring communication. Kevin Quinn, John & Kimberly Shrader, Jay & Ronnee Schweizer, and David Glasgow, your gifts make a meaningful difference in the lives of our clients as they seek healing and growth. Thank you!

  • We are grateful to Midwest Ministers Fellowship, James Lee & the EPR Alumni Squad, Oades Brothers Tire & Auto, Mizkan America, Keller & Owens, and QuikTrip for your 8th Annual Golf Classic sponsorship. This event unites our partners to bring hope to those who are hurting in our community. Your support is deeply appreciated!

  • To our golf team registrants, Team DriveAway and Travis Kramer, we are excited to have you join us. Tony Pizzutelli and Porky Products, thank you for golfing with us once again. You are playing a part in providing healing for so many.

To all of our faithful monthly and recurring supporters — THANK YOU from our Peace Partnership team! – Stone AMP SEO, Jeff & Lacey Cherry, Zane & Melissa Morerod, Mark McDonald, Jondy & Heather Britton, Matt & Kristy Newton, Tarae Thibeaux, Clayton & Pam Wooldridge, Mark & Cathy McGaughey, Greg & Jennifer Spears, Roger & Jennifer Madsen, Metcalf Auto Plaza, Mike & Jan McGraw, Cory & Leslie Young, Willie & Adia Valdes, Shelly Schuman, Mike & Carol Jackson, Blue Springs Christian Church, Linda Hartman, Dave & Rosie Bourland, Clean Heart Maids, Rudy & Stacy Blahnik, Mike & Tracy Pruitt, Mike & Sandra King, Diane Smith, Dan & Gigi Rippee, Andre & Rose Fantasma, Kevin Quinn, Genesis Counseling, Scott & Lydia Hurley, Jon & Naomi Thompson, John Otradovec, Lance & Mandi Pollard, Larry Curtis, Tamara Stroud, Rick & Kathy Daulton, Joel & Ruthie Morris, Church at Coffee Creek, John & Vicki Hefner, Jenny Glasgow, Teddy Koehler, Brandon & Vanessa Blanchard, Summit Springs Church, Jason & Val Schram, and Rick & Jan Britton.

We appreciate each and every one of you!

Do you know someone you'd like to connect us with? Contact Naomi Thompson, our Director of Development, at: 816.272.0653 or We love to engage as many people as we can in the important work we are doing. To make a donation through our website, please click on the link below.


Have you or someone you know been helped by Peace Partnership or Genesis Counseling? If so, would you please consider paying it forward to help another find healing along their journey? We are asking anyone who is not currently partnering with us financially to consider donating $100/year for the next 3 years to help make a difference in someone else’s life. Collectively, we can help SO MANY PEOPLE! Please consider a gift today. Call the office for help getting your gift set up or choose a recurring donation on our website here. We are so grateful for your help changing lives!


© 2021 Peace Partnership. All Rights Reserved.

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